At the end of my Acting period, I'm
sure that my boss wished she had delegated the authority to another more
experienced person so that work can be done. I would call her about every
decision instead of taking decisions, I would be afraid of authorising large
payments, and many other mistakes.
Let’s look at Luke 10:9, 16 NKJV and
see what we can learn. The Bible says there "And heal the sick there, and
say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’ He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you
rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me.”
Jesus had just newly appointed 70
disciples and given the acting privileged to go to every city that he was going
to visit, with instructions to exercise powers over sickness and declare the
arrival of the kingdom. These disciples executed their duties well and even
discovered other powers over evil spirits.
The Delegation of Authority has been
signed and it has your name on it. If you don't believe me just look at Matthew
28:18 and 19 "… all authority has been given Me in heaven and on earth. Go
therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit..."
Fellow harvesters and "acting
Christs" please do not make the same mistakes I made of simply enjoying
the office of the boss, with all the benefits of His assistant the Holy Spirit
and all the gifts without actually doing what the job entails. The job
description is simply this, heal the sick and declare that the kingdom of God
has come near to the people. Do not be afraid to use the great power entrusted
to you, He is the one who delegated you, He assumes overall responsibility for
the use of that power. You are well qualified in Him. Your years of experience
don't matter to Him, you are not working under your own authority but under
His. Do you ever ask a police officer or traffic officer how many years’
experience he or she has before they can arrest someone? No, they start operating
from the day of appointment.
Be encouraged, and keep praying to the
Father to send more harvesters.
My Peace I give you - Shalom