Disclaimer: Please DO NOT buy the "blood of Jesus"... it has never been for sale... False prophets and salesmen will sell anything these days just to make a quick buck from the sick and oppressed
apparently there is no cure for HIV and other chronic diseases... I beg to
differ. By the end of this reading I hope your understanding of disease and
health is challenged, your faith is kindled and you receive the healing you
have been praying for.
disease did Lazarus die of? Does anyone know? All i know is that Jesus
did not raise Lazarus from the dead and then continue to ask him "what was
your illness before you died?"
Jesus raised the little girl from the dead, he didn't go on to try and heal the
sickness that killed her. No! Both Lazarus and the girl's resurrection came
with a newness and a wholeness that God revealed to me today on my way to an
All Night Prayer in Nelspruit.. Their sickness, pain and suffering died with
Ok. What
does this have to do with you and I? Well.. The bible compares us to a wife
married to a husband called "sickness, sin and death". It goes on to
say that we are not able to remarry unless our husband (sin) dies, and this
poses a problem because the marriage is very abusive.
Then a
solution is presented, and this is the most amazing part. A death is brought
in, instead of killing the husband, God offers his son to die, and for us to
die with him, thereby freeing us from our husband. But it doesn't stop there, after
we have died with Christ, we are again raised from the dead with Christ as new
creatures, unrecognisable to our former husband (sin, death and sickness)...
Bear with me...
How long does a disease like HIV live in a dead person? Or more specifically how
long does a disease survive in dried blood? Some medical practitioners say it
is destroyed in a matter of minutes, some studies say 1 and a half to two
days... and just to be safe, Jesus was raised on the 3rd day.
By now I
know that your faith has risen. And if the Spirit of Him Who raised up
Jesus from the dead dwells in you, [then] He Who raised up Christ Jesus from
the dead will also restore to life your mortal (short-lived, perishable) bodies
through His Spirit Who dwells in you. Romans 8:11
Let us
look at Lazarus and that little girl as examples of what God wants to do in our
lives and in our ailing bodies today. Tonight is your night for a miracle. Only
believe the word of God today. We are dead to sin, sickness and death. We have
been resurrected in Christ and are made whole, unrecognisable to our former
sicknesses and sinfulness. Believe and receive you God given wholeness today.
My Peace
I give you - Shalom