Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Show and tell

What comes to mind when you hear "Show and Tell". A certain Prof and his brother Charles took their families on vacation, while the children swam, the Prof and his brother Charles said to their children, "what you're doing is not swimming, let us show you how it's done"... Needless to say, there were great waves and splashes with very little movement, and great laughter...

I would like for us to focus our attention on a different “Show and Tell”. Luke 5:4 KJV "Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught." Luke 5:10b KJV "And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men." Luke 10:2 KJV "Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest."

So Jesus finished teaching the multitude, asks Simon to go deeper and let down his nets. This is where I believe the Lord was doing a "Show and tell" of the great commission and how many resources would be required. Look at the verses closely, Jesus says Go into deeper waters, Simon goes deeper and lets down the nets and the fish nets start breaking (or to the point of breaking), Simon calls for his partners to aid him in his commission and even then, the boats are almost sinking... 

When Jesus was done with this demonstration, he basically says to them, ok now u have seen how it's done, you have seen how many fish there are, it's not a one man mission, and when you do this work you will feel like your boat is sinking, now we're going to do it in real life, we're going to be fishers of men...

It is my prayer that whenever you hear the phrase Show and Tell, that you would be reminded of Jesus' show and tell. It is also my prayer that when your boat is letting in water, at the point of sinking, and your nets are so stretched that you cannot see them catching any more fish, that the Lord of the Harvest renew your strength, restore your resources, and allow you to see that the boat may sink but those whose faith are in the Lord shall tread on water and be saved. Do not give up… keep fishing.

My Peace I give you - Shalom